Open hours: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm Mon-Sat
* Career Readiness * ⚡ InterSchool MUN 2024 ⚡ News "Prevention and Control of Vector Borne Diseases"


“It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

The world is fast changing and becoming increasingly uncertain and competitive. The real mantra of success is to be able to dream, a dream that has a community vision, and to work hard to turn the dream to a reality, standing true to the challenges of time, people and the climate.

At DIS edge, the vision and philosophy of the institution is build around the iconic banyan tree, to impart deep rooted foundation to our children so that they can spread out their being to become a giver to the world. We have carefully curated and picked the learning methodologies that ensure the development of the core skills required for the future: creativity, critical thinking & problem solving. A balanced exposure to technology and values is ensured to foster the right blend of EQ and IQ. The learners are exposed to real life situations for observing, fighting and nurturing with empathy and environment consciousness. The assessments are developed to inculcate self discovery over recall skill; enabling children to discover themselves and understand their innate skills likes and dislikes.

The world is sustained by collaboration and not competition. We uphold the idea that education is most definitely a stirring of the intellect and imagination along with the development of right judgment and an inclination of being of service to our community in whatever situation we find ourselves in. The school is a second home to the children. At home, the involvement of the parents with the children shapes their basic attitudes and interests. The culture of the family is deeply ingrained in their subconscious. The diverse families become one extended family in school, learning from and blending together, enriching themselves further in the secure environment of the school. DIS Edge is the link to nurture the culture of the children to community thought for tomorrow.

In the path called life During the course of time When we walk into the sunset Let it not be said We lived only for ourselves And what is our own”

With Best Wishes
Ms Anubha Srivastava